10 January 2011

here's to hope.

There's nothing quite like a broken heart. Whether self inflicted or unwarranted, a broken heart hurts. Not in the painful way that a broken nose or arm hurt (I've broken both. Trust me. They both hurt like hell). A broken heart hurts in an indescribable way - only those who've experienced one can truly understand. There's nothing really tangible about it. No cuts, no scrapes, no cast to prove you're in pain.  There's only tears. Tears of fear, of hurt, of sadness, of anger. Tears that well in your eyes and pour down your face out of the blue, when you least expect it, despite your desperate attempt to hold them back. Your body becomes numb with anguish and hopelessness. You feel as though everything is crashing down on you and the world is anxiously trying to swallow you up. Part of you wants to just disappear and blend into your surroundings so you can ignore the relentless pain. 

Despite all of this, your body perseveres. Your mind perseveres. And, one day at a time, you get through it. Not only because you have to, but because you want to. You recognize that underneath all of the pain and hurt you're feeling, there's hope. And your heart clings onto that hope, knowing that it will eventually overcome the pain and bring happiness and joy back to the heart. And hey, fabulous friends, a nice glass of wine, and some great music certainly help :)

So for anyone who has had a broken heart, here's a little hope for you. It's there and you'll find it. It may take time, but trust me, it will be there waiting for you when you're ready for it.


  1. and by great music you definitely aren't talking about taylor swift! LOL :)

    time will mend your broken heart. it was time to move on. this new chapter will be exciting and challenging for you, but well worth it.

    cheers to you finding peace and happiness soon!

  2. 72 hours and no new posts. What type of blog am I following here?

  3. @ Tram....LOL don't hate on taylor! but in all honesty, it's whatever pandora produces off of my banana pancakes by jack johnson radio station. Thank you for being there for me. You are an amazing friend to me and I miss you more than you can imagine. I will be out to visit, if not move, in the near future!

    @ Mikey...patience is a virtue. You know I take my time :)
